I'm Milo and this is my story

I am a classically trained business analyst who, after working as a network engineer, software engineer and software QA manager, I finally landed my "dream job" as a Systems Architect. The company was great and the pay was outstanding but I hated every second of it. So I began pursuing my childhood dream of being a airplane pilot.

In 2017 I landed my first job flying air ambulances for a company in Kansas. Life was good and I was living a dream and helping people. It was all very rewarding but something was still missing.

I've always loved photography and I've been taking pictures since I was a teenager. I find beauty in nature as well as the mechanical and the industrial. As the digital age commoditized camera equipment, I took up videography as a hobby with the goal of telling short stories about self-employed business people. That pursuit lead me back to my first love, photography.

I want to do something different, tell the simple truth about who people are. Lots of black & white, high contrast, and simple lighting. So that's my story and I look forward to telling yours.